A Must Visit Place While your Trip to Dubai


Curious to experience the inside world of the Green Planet Dubai ? Come and explore the beautiful and calming sites of Dubai city.

The Green Planet Dubai is a unique indoor rainforest that showcases animals from all around the world in one enclosed space. With over 3,000 different species of exotic flora and fauna, this rainforest offers a chance to encounter a variety of animals including birds, reptiles, sloths, and sugar gliders. The Green Planet is uniquely designed like a folded sheet of origami, divided into four sections or levels of the forest.


As you enter the rainforest, you'll be surrounded by greenery. The temperature in Dubai is often hot, dry, and humid, making it difficult for plants to thrive. However, unique techniques and specially designed glasses make it possible for plants to thrive at the Green Planet Dubai. The plants here are carefully arranged to ensure they receive the necessary amount of sunlight and remain fresh. Expert staff are on hand to answer questions and provide information about the architectural design, animals, and plants at the Green Planet.


One section of the rainforest, called Creatures of the Night, exhibits nocturnal animals including the Tokay Gecko, Parma Wallabies, Marine toads, and Lace monitor. Expert staff will provide information about these creatures' natural habitat, routine, behaviour, and more. The staff track the animals' activities to provide visitors with an engaging and informative experience. The animals are kept in a way that allows them to adapt to their natural habitat or environment. These night creatures are active during the night-time and rest during the daytime, unlike other animals. Visitors can catch a glimpse of nocturnal animals such as the Lace Monitor, Burmese Pythons, Tokay gecko, Marine toads, Parma Wallabies, Laughing Kookaburra, and Carpet Pythons.


The Green Planet Dubai also offers a unique opportunity to snorkel with piranhas. Piranhas are known for their razor sharp teeth and reputation as one of the world's most dangerous fish. However, visitors can safely snorkel with these creatures by booking tickets and following the instructions of expert staff. A protective swimsuit is provided for added safety. Don't miss this chance to see the wonderland of these species up close.


In addition to snorkelling with piranhas, the Green Planet Dubai also offers the chance to go camping in the rainforest. This tropical rainforest setting provides a chance to learn about the day-to-day activities of nocturnal creatures in their natural habitat. Other activities, such as a scavenger hunt, are also available.


The Green Planet Dubai also features a simulated thunderstorm called "The Thunderstorm" which is one of the most uniquely designed spaces in the rainforest. During this five-minute session, visitors can hear and feel the sounds and sensations of an electric thunderstorm, including strong winds and flashes.


The high-tech audio and visual effects make it feel like a real thunderstorm. This activity was designed to teach visitors about the importance of thunderstorms in rainforests and how animals enjoy living in their natural habitat. Experts have specially designed this experience to ensure the safety of the animals.

There are many other sections of the Green Planet Dubai to explore, each offering a unique and memorable experience. These special exhibits are sure to inspire visitors to purchase tickets for the rainforest. Tickets can be purchased in person or online, and there are many ways to keep your visit organized and hassle-free. So don’t miss this opportunity to witness a universe of flora and fauna.

If you're planning a trip to Dubai, consider reaching out to the destination experts at Next Holidays as they offers best deals on the green planet Dubai tickets.


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